Accepting His Home Page 23
I stand up and take a few steps towards my dad. He looks me up and down. I’m a few inches taller than him now and I’ve filled out a lot since he saw me last. Hell, I filled out a lot since my year on the streets. I don’t know what he was expecting, but he doesn’t look surprised to see my longer hair or my beard. I’ve been trying to keep better care of my beard and keep it trimmed. I know Olivia probably doesn’t care, but I want her to be proud to stand next to me and I had been looking a little rough. It helped me keep a lot of people at a distance, but I don’t want to do that anymore. I don’t need to.
A slow, relieved smile spreads across my dad’s face and I can feel my own lips twitch into a lopsided grin. Dad closes the distance between us and wraps me up in a hug, even though I’m taller than him now. I freeze for a moment before letting my muscles relax and I hug him back. I look over as a few tears streak down Olivia’s face, her beautiful face, that is stretched wide in a bright smile as her eyes dance in happiness.
Dad’s voice is hoarse, “I’ve missed you so much, Zeke. So has your mom and your brothers.”
I stiffen at the mention of Mom because the disappointment I saw in her eyes cut me deeply. It’s still a fresh memory and feeling, even after all these years. Why isn’t she here too? Is he lying and she hasn’t missed me? Did something happen to her? Why is he here now?
Dad releases me and looks into my eyes with an earnestness that surprises me. “I’m so sorry for what we did and how we treated you after the accident. That’s exactly what it was, too, an accident. It wasn’t your fault and we should have never made you feel like it was.” He sighs, “I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to come here and tell you that.” His eyes fill with guilt, “I wasn’t sure if it was better to stay out of your life after what we did. I was afraid that you could never forgive us. I would never blame you if that was the case.”
I stare at him and realize that I haven’t said a single word. I take a deep breath, “I forgive you.” His shoulders sag in obvious relief and it makes the knot in my stomach unfurl. “I know you all were in pain. Kasey’s death was a tragedy.”
He whispers, “You were in pain too and I’m sorry we couldn’t look past our own to see yours.”
I nod, “I was and for a long time.” I look at Olivia and hold my hand out for her. She doesn’t hesitate to put her hand in mine, let me pull her to me and tuck her against my side; she wraps an arm around me. “It wasn’t until recently that I shared anything about my past and let anyone in. Liv and my family showed me that what happened wasn’t my fault and gave me the courage to put my past behind me.”
Brian nods and smiles, “I was hoping that was the case. I’ve been keeping up on your social media, yours and the shop’s; it’s obvious that you have people here who love you very much and appreciate you for who you are.”
I kiss Liv’s temple, “Yeah, I’m really lucky.” Olivia grins up at me and gives me a little squeeze. I furrow my brow, “How long have you known where I was?”
My dad grimaces slightly, “It didn’t take us long after you left to realize how much we messed up. At first, we looked for you, but couldn’t find you. We even hired a private investigator. I don’t know what you were doing for that first year after you left, but the PI found you once you started working here and became an apprentice.” He looks at the floor for a moment before meeting my eyes again. “At that time, we were just happy that you were alive and were living your life.”
I stiffen, my voice low but without shame. “I was living on the streets until Beckett found me.” My dad’s eyes widen, and I see the shame and the guilt in them. “I didn’t care what happened to me. The only thing that kept me together was graffiti. Beckett saw some of my art, tracked me down and offered me a place to belong when I was at rock bottom.” I clear my throat, not wanting to dwell too long on that part of my life. “Why are you here now? What changed?”
Dad clears his throat and I can see the exhaustion on his face when he meets my eyes. “Your mom got really sick a few months ago.” I feel Olivia squeeze me tighter as my heart starts to pound in my chest. Is she dead? Did I miss my chance to rebuild a bridge to my mom? Dad must see the concern and panic starting to rise on my face. He puts a hand on my shoulder, “She’s okay now, but still a little weak and she gets tired easily. That’s the only reason she didn’t come with me on this trip. Still, it was a wake-up call. We decided that once she was feeling good enough for me to come out here for a few days that I’d come and try to make things right.”
I nod slowly, my voice a raspy whisper, “You’re sure she’s okay now?”
A small smile tugs at my dad’s lips. “It was really touch and go there for a little while and I almost contacted you, but then she started to get better.” His eyes are earnest, “If she wasn’t going to make it, we wouldn’t have taken the chance away from you to say goodbye.” He takes a steading breath, “Thankfully, I didn’t have to make that phone call and we get the chance to try and right the wrong we made.”
“How are the boys doing?”
I’ve missed my brothers even though we weren’t all that close growing up. After I was born, my mom had two miscarriages and they resigned themselves to having one child to not put themselves through that pain anymore. I was young, but I remember my mom crying in the bathroom when she thought that I was distracted by playing with my toys. I didn’t understand why at the time. I was 10 when we found out that my mom was going to have twins. They were always troublemakers. They must be almost 14 now. I’ve missed them, but they probably don’t remember me all that well.
My dad grins, “They’re still trouble.”
I can’t help it; I throw my head back and laugh. Olivia’s face lights up. I take the opportunity to bury my fingers in the hair at the nape of her neck. I grip it possessively for a moment, as a thank you and to ground me in this moment because it is more than I ever expected. She glances at me with heat in her eyes and I release her hair and massage the muscles of her neck.
Brian looks between us with a huge smile on his face. “I’m so glad you found real love.”
I nod, “There is a part of me that will always love Kasey because we shared so much history, but I realize now that we weren’t really together for the right reasons. I’m sorry the accident happened, but I’m grateful that it led me down this path and I found Liv. She’s the missing piece of me.” I whisper, “I wish Kasey had the same chance.”
My dad gives me a sad smile, “I wish that too, but I’m glad that you’ve found it.” He chuckles, looking me up and down, “You’ve grown up so much, son.” He looks straight in my eyes, “I’m proud of you.”
I feel my eyes water and I clear my throat, but my voice is hoarse. “Thanks, Dad.”
Olivia reaches out and gives my dad’s bicep a squeeze. “We were planning on making dinner at home tonight, would you like to join us?”
I kiss Olivia’s temple. Fuck, she’s amazing. She stood up for me against my dad, of all people. She was willing to take the heat of kicking him out if he was going to cause me more pain. I can’t remember anyone willing to fight that hard for me.
My dad smiles at Olivia, “I’d really like that.” He looks at me, “I’d also like the chance to get to know the rest of your family. If everyone’s free tonight I’d be happy to take everyone out for dinner or order pizzas in or whatever.” He shrugs, realizing he’s babbling a little bit. His chuckle is self-deprecating. “Sorry. I’m just so grateful that you were willing to hear me out.”
I release Olivia and wrap him up in a hug. It feels good. I didn’t realize that at 23 years old, hugging my dad would feel so good. He hugs me back and I feel Olivia’s hand squeeze my shoulder. Telling me she’s here for me, that she loves me.
I pull away and take a little step back. “Everyone loves pizza. Almost all of us live close to each other. Although our family has grown in the last few months. It’ll probably be best to start out with just the Banks Ink. people. Higgins and his security guys can be kind of in
timidating.” Dad raises his eyebrow in question. I shake my head, “It’s a long story, but it has a happy ending.”
Olivia snorts, “Yeah, and a baby.”
I chuckle and pull Olivia next to me again. She molds to my body, offering strength. I thought for sure I would need a lot of it, but I feel more at peace than I have in years. It feels fan-fucking-tastic. Better than any high I chased that year on the streets when I was trying to drown in memories.
I eye Olivia, “Yeah, like you aren’t dying to meet the baby.” Olivia flashes me a sly grin. Yeah, I know my girl. I nod toward the door, “Come on, Dad. I’d like to introduce you to my family and then we can see what everyone is up to tonight.”
A huge grin spreads across my dad’s face and he nods. I lead Olivia out of the back room, my dad falling in step right behind me. Everyone is at their station trying to look busy, but I know that they’ve just been waiting to make sure that I didn’t need back up. It makes a warm feeling flow through me.
Amelia looks up from whatever Andrea is showing her on the shop laptop. She studies my face for a moment before glancing at Olivia and then my dad. A slow smile spreads across her face and I see her eyes start to water. Let me tell you, pregnancy hormones are no joke. She clasps her hands together over her heart and the movement catches Beckett’s eye who stops drawing in his sketchbook. A look of concern crosses his face, he hates to see Amelia cry, but then he follows her line of sight. A huge grin spreads across his face as he takes us in.
I lead Dad to the middle of the shop. “Everyone.” All eyes turn toward me and I grin. “I’d like you all to meet my dad, Brian Masters.” I turn to my dad, “Dad, this is my family.” I point to everyone in turn, “Beckett Banks owns this shop and his fiancé Amelia. That’s Andrea, she’s our manager and coraller. That’s Walsh, Troy and Dex.”
Everyone gives a wave or a little hi. They all look happy for me, but I can see the trepidation there too. I grin because how awesome is that? They care about me. I’m a lucky bastard.
I tuck Olivia in next to me and she grins up at me, I know she feels just as lucky as I do. “We’re going to order some pizzas at our house, we’d like for everyone to come by.”
Dad clears his throat, “I’d really like the opportunity to get to know the people who love my son and who have helped him when I failed at it.”
There are nods around the room. Troy and Walsh even high five; they love pizza. Dad smiles and chuckles. It feels easy; natural. I didn’t think I’d feel that again when it came to my parents.
Amelia lets out a little sob and Beckett pulls her up into his arms. He murmurs, “Baby, don’t cry. You know I can’t stand it when you cry.”
Amelia sniffles, “I know. I can’t help it, Love. This baby has turned me into an emotional wreck. It just makes me so happy, for Zeke and his Dad. For all of us.”
I chuckle and my dad’s eyes go soft as he looks at her. “How far along are you?”
Amelia’s bright smile returns and she rubs her belly, “A little over three months.” She sighs, “Still a long way to go.”
My dad nods and shares a knowing look with Beckett. “My best advice is to enjoy it as best you can because,” he looks at me, “time goes so fast.” He grins, “And to always get up at 3 am for whatever cravings she has, even if it sounds disgusting.”
Beckett laughs, “Thankfully no pickles and ice cream cravings yet.”
Amelia makes a horrified face, “That sounds awful. I think the pickles thing is a myth.” She mutters, “Sending you out for orange sherbet is completely reasonable and it was only like midnight.”
Beckett bites his lip and it’s obvious he’s trying not to laugh. His tone is placating, “I know, Baby. We needed orange sherbet at midnight, I wasn’t complaining.”
Amelia looks up at him and narrows her eyes, “Are you trying to handle me, Beckett Banks? I can hear your patronizing tone, just so you know.” There’s no heat in her words and she gives him a coy smile.
Walsh barks out a laugh, “What I want to know is why you guys had a midnight orange sherbet party and didn’t invite me.”
Troy punches Walsh’s shoulder playfully, “You must mean us and that you weren’t just trying to push me out of midnight sherbet.” He winks at Amelia, “I’m partial to the lime sherbet myself.”
Walsh scoffs, “Dude, that’s gross.”
Amelia giggles and shakes her head. “Agreed, Snookums.”
Troy clutches his heart, “Aw, Doll. Come on, don’t kick a man when he’s down.”
She winks at him, “You can handle it, Superman.”
My dad chuckles and smiles warmly at Beckett, “How long have you two been together?”
Amelia blushes, but Beckett puffs up his chest, “Four months.” My Dad furrows his brow in confusion and I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because they haven’t been together long, especially considering the baby on the way. I hope it’s because it seems like they’ve always been together. They’re like Olivia and I—it’s just natural and right. Beckett shrugs, “I know that might seem like it was fast, but I knew she was my girl the moment I heard her laugh and then I fell in love with her the moment I saw her.”
My Dad’s eyes soften. “Ah, love at first sight, that I understand. I fell in love with Zeke’s mom the moment I saw her.” He gives me a wry smile, “She wasn’t having any of it though, full of sass and independence. Which is a good thing, but she thought for sure that I would get between her and her dreams. Like I ever would.”
Beckett kisses Amelia’s temple and she looks up at him with such love. When I look down at Olivia, she’s looking up at me the same way. I grin down at her, “Love at first sight seems to happen more often than people think.”
My dad’s eyes look between Olivia and me as his eyes light up, “You too?”
I nod, “Yeah, but it took me a lot longer to figure out that I deserved to love and be loved by someone like Olivia.”
Guilt covers my Dad’s face, but before he can apologize again for his hand in that, Olivia shrugs, “I wasn’t ready either when we met. I had to learn some patience and how to love unconditionally so that I could be the person Zeke needs.”
Andrea stands up suddenly and rolls her eyes, “You all are such saps sometimes.” Everyone laughs. She points at Olivia, “I ordered our dresses and they had the under skirt in lilac like you wanted.”
Olivia grins, “Thanks, girl.” Andrea hustles into the reception area as I look down at Olivia and arch my eyebrow and she smiles, “For the wedding.”
My dad cocks his head to the side looking at Olivia and I, “Are you two getting married?”
I give Olivia a little squeeze and smile at my dad, “Not yet.”
Olivia blushes and shakes her head, “I meant for Amelia and Beckett’s wedding. They’re getting married in Vegas in April when we’re all there for a tattoo convention.”
Amelia grins and looks at my dad, “I’ll be sending out invitations soon, but I’d like to an extend the invitation now to you as well as Zeke’s mom and brothers.”
My Dad looks at me and seems a little hesitant, I give him a small smile and the relief is palpable. His voice is soft and sincere. “We’d love that. Wouldn’t miss it.”
She clears her throat and looks a little sheepish, “Um…some of our family has already agreed to handle the travel situation, so I hope no one minds riding in a private jet.”
Dad’s eyes widen and he sputters, “P-private jet?”
Walsh muses, “Yeah, it is so fucking sweet too. Best plane ride I’ve ever been on.”
I chuckle, “Banks tattooed the lead singer of Suburban Outcasts on Thanksgiving. Amelia suggested that a good pay off for letting Banks work on Thanksgiving was if they joined us for the holiday.” I shrug, “They’ve been part of the family ever since.”
Dad shakes his head in wonder, “I saw a few pictures, but I didn’t realize you were that close.”
Olivia nods, “We try and keep their time with us as out of the limelight a
s much as possible.” She smiles, “They’re great guys and really down to earth. If I didn’t know they were one of the hottest rock bands right now I wouldn’t know that from spending time with them.”
Andrea saunters back into the back, turning off the lights in the front of the shop as she goes. “Okay, I’m all ready to close up. There was talk of pizza and I’m hungry.”
Amelia rubs her little baby bump, “Pizza sounds delicious. Can we get one with artichokes, spinach and mushrooms? Maybe anchovies?” She looks pensive, “Wait, no, I don’t think I’ve ever had an anchovy in my life.” Walsh snorts and Amelia looks horrified for a moment, “Oh no, that was one of those pickle and ice cream moments, wasn’t it?”
Beckett chuckles and rubs Amelia’s belly, “It kind of was, but that’s okay. I won’t let you eat anchovies. I don’t think anyone should.” He shudders, “How about extra cheese instead?”
Amelia taps her chin, “Feta cheese?”
Troy rubs his belly, “That sounds like a delicious pizza. You gonna share, Doll?”
Amelia eyes him warily, “I don’t know.” Troy pouts and Amelia giggles, “Okay. Like I could say no to that face.”
Dad laughs and grins at me. I give his shoulder a squeeze as everyone starts collecting their things and come over to introduce themselves to Dad one on one. I make sure Dad has my address before we head out of the shop.
We head home and within an hour everyone is hanging out with pizza and a few beers as I catch up with Dad and he catches up with me and my family. We make plans for Olivia and me to come out for a weekend in a couple of weeks. Andrea assures me that she can reschedule the appointments
I knew I was lucky when Beckett found me, I knew I found my place, but I don’t think I was able to fully accept it until I let them into my past. I feared it for so long, but I should have trusted them to have my back. No matter what. That’s what families do.
It’s been a year since Amelia and Andrea walked into the shop and set into motion a whole lot of changes in our lives. The last year has been full of the best of times, even when we had to work for them. I’m not sure where any of us would be if Amelia hadn’t walked into the shop that day. Beckett would still be a miserable shell of himself. I’d still be pining over Zeke while my heart slowly shriveled up. Zeke would still probably be gruff and aloof all the time instead of most of the time, well, at least with other people.