Accepting His Home Page 25
He wipes the tears off my cheeks, and he searches my eyes, “I love you Livy.”
“I love you, Zeke.” I glance down at my ring and my eyes widen. “Is this?”
Zeke nods and I glance over at Nate who has tears in his eyes and a look of pride on his face. “It’s your mom’s engagement ring. Nate gave it to me, he told me how you always admired it when your mom wore it and that they would be so proud of you and so happy to see the woman you’ve become.” He whispers, “I hope it’s okay and that it doesn’t cause you any pain.”
I give him a wide smile and whisper back, “It’s perfect.”
Zeke wraps me up in one more hug before everyone starts taking turns congratulating us. It doesn’t take long before Ridge wakes up and Beckett goes to get his son so he can join the party. We eat, we laugh, we enjoy our family and all the amazing things we have to celebrate, not just today but every day. That’s what families do.
9ish months later
It’s Ridge’s first birthday so we’re back at Beckett and Amelia’s house. It’s wild how much Etheridge has grown in the last year. He’s so close to taking his first steps and he even knows a few words, well at least a few words that most people can understand. Amelia seems to understand all his little sounds and words. I guess that’s what happens when you’re a mom; baby babble becomes more than just babble.
I woke up this morning with my husband’s tongue buried in my pussy. What a fucking way to wake up. I have to say in the time we’ve been together, I’ve woken up that way more times than I can count. I wake him up with my lips wrapped around his cock too, but he’s usually up before me.
Yeah, he’s my husband now. We got married almost a month ago at the botanical gardens surrounded by spring renewal. It seemed fitting since we both had to be reborn from our pasts in order for us to embrace our futures. My wedding dress was simple and flowy. I wore a flower crown adorned with greenery and when Zeke saw me his eyes were watery. What a softy.
He told me that I looked like the woodland nymph he always knew I was. Since that was exactly what I was going for, I’d say I succeeded. His wedding present to me was a tattoo of me as a fairy that he drew before we got together. Beckett did the work on him and he did a beautiful job. The night before our wedding was the only night we spent apart since the day Amelia was almost kidnapped. The girls all stayed at Amelia’s house and the guys had a sleepover at our house.
I should have known he was up to something when he didn’t fight me on us not sleeping in the same bed. He took that opportunity to have Beckett ink him with my surprise. When I undressed him on our wedding night, I got my first look at it and it took my breath away. He got it done on his back, right over his shoulder blade.
I sassed him and asked, “Did you get it on your back because I’m always nagging you?”
He chuckled, “No, I got it there because you always have my back.” He cupped my face, “You always support me, and you always have my best interest at heart. You even stood up to my parents to make sure that they weren’t going to hurt me anymore.” He kissed me sweetly, “You’re amazing. So brave and beautiful. I’m a lucky man.”
I grasped his wrists, “I’m the lucky one. I felt so alone for so long. Even when I found a place where I fit, I didn’t feel complete. With you, I’m complete.”
Zeke smirked, “Let’s see where else I fit.”
I scoffed, “Was that sex joke?”
Zeke chuckled, “It was a sexual innuendo.”
I shook my head and grinned at him, “I have a gift for you too.”
He arched his eyebrow, “Oh?” I nodded and bit my lip. He whispered, “I don’t need anything other than you, Livy.”
I shrugged and said cryptically, “Well my gift is me, kind of.”
He furrowed his brow as I went and dug his gift out of the small suitcase that I took with me to Amelia’s house yesterday. I handed him a simple white box that he opened to find a black leather photo album inside. Yeah, maybe not original, but when Amelia told me what she gave to Beckett as a wedding present I knew that I wanted to do the same.
I had the same photographer, Ellie, take some boudoir photos of me in our home about a month before our wedding on a day that Zeke was in the shop seeing clients. He thought that I had spent the day painting. I did get some work done that day since I was in the middle of doing some artwork for the record label that the guys from Suburban Outcasts started. They loved the artwork I did their third album that they recorded after their move to Denver last summer. Doing their artwork has been a huge boost to my confidence and my standing in the art world. I even have a gallery that wants to set up a private show for me.
Ellie has been to a few of our family gatherings and she’s incredibly talented. I plan to insist that the gallery use her to photograph my work for any brochures and promotional stuff. She’ll be at Etheridge’s birthday party today to take photos and to help us celebrate. The guys from SO used her for a few photo shoots recently so I have a feeling her business is about to blow up and she’s only a year out of school. It helps to know the right people, but if she wasn’t talented it wouldn’t matter.
When Zeke opened his wedding present his jaw dropped to the floor and somehow his cock got even harder. I dropped down to my knees and rolled my tongue around the tip of his cock. He groaned as he looked through the photos.
Through gritted teeth he asked, “Who took these?”
I rolled my eyes as I scoped up his precome with my tongue. “Ellie, of course.”
I heard the photobook close with a snap and I looked up at him as I licked up his length like a lollipop. I grinned at him, “Did you look through all of them?” He shook his head no and I sat back and grinned up at him wickedly, “You have to look through all of them, if you stop then I stop.”
He smirked at me and murmured, “Naughty little fairy.”
He opened the album and started looking through the pictures again as I took him back into my mouth. I wrapped my fingers around the base of his cock and stroked in time with my mouth. When he started flipping through the photos more quickly, I pulled off him and looked up at him expectantly. He chuckled and took a deep breath and started going more slowly through the pictures.
By the time he was done looking through the album he was gritting his teeth and panting, trying not to come down my throat. I hadn’t gotten another birth control shot since he asked me to marry him, so he was very insistent that he comes inside me instead of down my throat. He hauled me up by my shoulders before undressing me and tossing me onto the bed. I giggled as I bounced, and I watched his look turn predatory.
His voice was husky, “I can’t wait to be buried inside you, wife.”
I grinned “I can’t wait for that either, husband.”
He kissed and licked every inch of my body before burying himself inside of me and making love to me. It certainly wasn’t fucking, but that happened the second time. He was still hard after our slow, intimate joining, even after filling me up with his cum. So, he flipped me over and fucked me hard and fast from behind while gripping a hip with one hand and pulling my hair with the other.
I don’t know which time it was, but I swear that’s the night he got me pregnant. Our wedding night. Seemed incredibly fitting to me. I just found out a few days ago and I haven’t told him yet. Since he loves Ridge so much, I figured that I could use him in my announcement. So, on top of the present I got Ridge, I went out and had a t-shirt made that says: I can’t wait for my cousin to get here so we can play.
How fucking cute is that?
I’m a little nervous and a little nauseous as we hang out with our family at Ridge’s party. Everyone is here for this party, including Amelia’s parents. Ridge looks adorable in his birthday shirt. We’re all out back and the guys have set up some corn hole, horseshoes and a slip ‘n’ slide. Zeke’s brothers have been going down the slip ’n’ slide for at least 45 minutes. Booker, Walsh and Troy have joined t
hem, which doesn’t surprise me; they’re just big kids when you get right down to it.
They decided to have an assortment of cold salads and grill up some burgers and hot dogs for this celebration. Ridge loves hot dogs, so they had to have one of his favorite foods on the menu. Everything is delicious, as usual, but my nerves are getting to me so it’s harder to enjoy. Thankfully, no one batted an eye at me not choosing beer as my drink. Well, except Zeke. He raised an eyebrow in question, but I shrugged it off.
I noticed Ellie get some pictures of everyone, especially the slip ‘n’ slide activities with a huge smile on her face. She was one of the last to eat since she was snapping so many photos, but once Amelia notices that she’s done she announces that it’s time for presents. She asked that everyone keep the presents to a minimum or to not bring one since Ridge already has so much. Yeah right, one whole picnic table is filled with gifts.
Amelia chuckles while holding Ridge, “I don’t think we’ll hold his attention through all of these presents but let’s see.”
The first few he opens with gusto but is more interested in the wrapping paper than anything else. When Amelia helps Ridge open a smaller box it’s filled with a pair of Micky Mouse ears with Ridge’s name on it along with the itinerary for his second birthday to be celebrated in Orlando with the whole family courtesy of the guys from SO.
Amelia squeals and hugs every member of SO; I don’t know if Ridge will ever remember the trip, but it doesn’t really matter. It won’t be the last time we make it. Amelia’s not the only one thrilled with the gift, Zeke’s brothers practically keel over when they’re told that the trip includes them too.
Next, she opens an envelope with a picture of a huge play and swing set inside. She furrows her brow and Blake speaks up, “That’s from us, we’ll be installing that in your backyard next weekend.”
Amelia’s eyes round and she gives Blake a huge smile before she bounces over to him and hugs him. Blake gives her a warm smile before she moves onto hugging Duncan, Ryder and Grayson.
Ridge opens a few more presents, but I can tell his attention is starting to waver. Amelia does too and I can see her indecision as to whether to push him or move to cake and then come back to presents.
I push my present closer to them, “It looks like he’s almost done, but I’d really like him to open this one before he loses interest completely.”
Amelia gives me a curious look and nods. She helps Ridge pull out the stuffed fox first and he immediately stuffs the ear in his mouth and starts gnawing on it. Amelia grins, “He loves it so much he has to eat it.” We all chuckle and I stop breathing as she takes the shirt out of the bottom of the bag. She reads it quickly and her eyes round. She whispers, “Oh my…,” and then looks at me and I flash her a big grin and nod at her. “This is the cutest shirt! Look everyone!”
She turns it around and there’s a heartbeat when everyone is reading it. Then I hear Zeke’s breath catch and he turns me by my shoulders to look down at me. He has tears and a question in his eyes. I nod and he slams his lips down on mine, his kiss full of possession and gratitude.
He murmurs against my lips, “You’re pregnant?”
I nod and can’t help the few tears that escape, “Yeah, Babe. I’m pregnant.”
Congratulations ring out around us and Zeke wraps his arms around me and holds me tightly against him. He pulls back slightly and kisses my forehead. He murmurs, “Thank you so much Livy.” His hand drifts down and he holds my abdomen in his large hand, cradling it with such sweetness. “Thank you for this little baby. I love you both, so much.”
I beam up at him, “I love you so much.” I glance around and see that Nate and Sam along with Carolyn and Brian all have huge grins on their faces and maybe a few unshed tears in their eyes.
Amelia grins at me and then bites her lip. “I’m so happy for you two. There is one problem though.”
I feel my eyebrows knit together, “What do you mean?”
Amelia looks up at Beckett who also looks confused. “Maybe not so much a problem, it’s just that we’ll need one more.” She muses, “Well, I guess that depends which one of us is farther along.”
Beckett’s eyes go wide, and I squeal. Beckett pulls Amelia against him with awe written all over his face, “We’re having another baby?”
Amelia nods with a huge grin spread across her face. “I was going to tell you first, but this just seemed like too good of an opportunity to pass up.”
Andrea clears her throat and I turn to her with wide eyes. No fucking way. Andrea rolls her eyes and points to a small bag, Steve chuckles. Amelia pulls out a shirt that says ‘Cousin Crew’ in the same font as the Banks Ink. logo with the shop logo on the back across the shoulders.
Amelia’s eyes go wide and Andrea smiles at her and then me. She rubs her belly, “I have a onesie at home for when the baby arrives.” She laughs, “It looks like we’ll definitely need to a few more shirts made.”
Amelia pulls both of us into a hug and we embrace each other. She whispers, “Oh my God, I can’t believe we’re all pregnant together.” She looks between Andrea and I, unsure for a moment. “Is this okay? We’ve been trying for a little while now. I hope I didn’t steal anyone’s thunder.” Andrea and I exchange a smile; we shake our heads.
I give Amelia a little squeeze, “No, this is amazing. Our kids will be in school together and they’ll grow up with best friends that are also family. I feel so lucky to even be pregnant since we have been trying since right after Zeke proposed. Now, being pregnant with my sisters and best friends? I couldn’t be happier.”
Andrea gives me a squeeze, “What she said.”
Amelia laughs and nods, “Okay. Good.”
Troy and Walsh look on with wide eyes and Dex doubles over in laughter. Beckett pulls Zeke and then Steve into a quick hug. I hear high fives and congratulations being given all around us. The mood is so full of love and joy that it makes tears well up in my eyes. When I look at Amelia, hers are already falling down her face, but she has a huge grin across her face that I know is matched by my own and Andrea’s too.
Troy whispers, “How are we going to deal with three pregnant women at the same time? Amelia almost had my balls that one time.”
I see Beckett whisper something to Zeke and Steve and they both chuckle and turn to us with predatory smiles on their faces. I feel myself blush instantly as Zeke licks his lips like I’m the most delicious meal he’s ever seen. Jesus. What the fuck did Beckett just tell them?
Amelia scoffs, “Maybe if you hadn’t called me a penguin after Beck had already pointed out that I was waddling around when I was like 8 months pregnant you wouldn’t have had an issue with almost losing your balls.”
Troy laughs and pulls her from us and wraps her up in a hug, kissing the top of her head. “At least now I know that ice cream and a pedicure are the magic cure for my stupidity.”
Beckett chuckles, “Yeah, but that might not work this time around. You never know.”
Troy blanches slightly, but then shrugs. “We’ll figure it out.” He pulls me into his arms and hugs me. He whispers, “Congratulations, Liv. I’m so happy for you and Zeke.”
I give Troy a squeeze. “Thanks Troy.” I smile up at him and smirk, “So, when are you going to find a woman and start growing this family?”
Troy shakes his head and then looks over my shoulder with a small smile on his face. I turn and see Ellie snapping a few pictures of our celebration before she glances at Troy and then Walsh. Her cheeks turn bright pink before she shakes her head and moves around to the other side of the party. I look up at Troy and he’s watching Walsh. When he looks down at me, I arch my eyebrow in question.
Troy shakes his head and sighs, “I don’t know, Liv. I don’t know if I’m ready for all that.”
I give him a small smile, “I understand not being ready, but just make sure that’s what it really is and not just fear holding you back from something amazing.” His eyes widen slightly, and I look at Walsh who is watch
ing Ellie at the edge of the party. I knit my brow and look up at Troy, “You know we’ll always support you, no matter what. Right?”
Troy nods and then shakes his whole body like he’s trying to shake off the seriousness of the conversation. He gives me a squeeze and then releases me. He shoots me a smirk, “I know.”
He pulls Andrea into his arms and I sigh. I hope that whatever is going on doesn’t hurt anyone in our family. I don’t get to dwell on it because I feel Zeke’s arms wrap around me. I sink back against his chest and his hands rest on my abdomen.
Zeke kisses my neck, “I almost can’t believe it. I’m going to be a dad.” His voice goes soft and thick with emotion, “You’re going to be an amazing mom, little fairy.”
I turn in his arms and wrap my arms around him. I prop my chin on his chest and look up into his eyes. “You’re going to be a great dad, Zeke. I can’t wait to experience this with you.” I narrow my eyes at him, “What did Banks tell you two?”
Zeke smirks and he leans down to whisper in my ear, “He told us that the number one thing that we needed to remember to keep our pregnant wives happy while they grow our children is that orgasms are the solution to pretty much anything.”
I giggle and roll my eyes, “Yeah, I’m sure he never told Troy about that little trick.”
Zeke chuckles and kisses me, it’s full of the future, joy and gratitude. It humbles me to my core. When we pull apart, I can see his eyes have glazed over with more than just lust; he kisses my forehead before we get swept up in the fanfare of the celebration around us. Nate and Sam hug me close before Brian and Carolyn hug me as well.
To my surprise, Carolyn has tears in her eyes when she pulls back and looks at me and then Zeke. Pride shines so clearly on her face and for the first time since they came back into Zeke’s life, she doesn’t try to stifle it. I think her being a part of this family has done more than just give Zeke a way to put his past to rest, I think it’s done the same for her.